2006 Catie's Corner Viognier Picked !!!
We're off to the races. Our 1st harvest & crush was on Tuesday 9/26. We picked over 3 tons of Viognier from the famed Kunde estate in Russian River Valley. We hand sorted, then crushed and pressed off our Viognier all on Tuesday the 26th. An exciting and very long day for us.
Clear racked pressed juice is measuring at
brix --> 26.8
pH --> 3.51
Ta --> 0.64
If you've ever tasted fruit cocktail from the can, that is what freshly pressed Catie's Corner Viognier juice is tasting like. Yummy.
Now its off to the fermentation tanks, we will age this vintage in stainless steel barrel once ready. May have more peach & apricot flavors versus the more lemony citrus 2004 vintage but I think will be just as aromatic and delicious. Can't wait to try as it evolves and ages.
Will be keeping you posted as our harvest crescendo rises. Next up --> our Mourvedre grapes from the Alta Mesa Vineyard down in Cuyama Valley.
Questions, please email me at bettina@sansskana.com
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