Harvest Update, 9/17/06
Temperatures have climbed again in California, this is all good for grape ripening...
Here's some recent updates from our growers
From Catie's Corner Vineyard in Russian River Valley - brix on Viognier up to 23.5, we usually pick around 24-26brix, so its soooon. If weather holds, maybe we'll be picking and crushing our 1st lots this weekend.
From White Hawk Vineyard down in Santa Barbara - brix on our Syrah clones are still in the 17.5 brix level, we're estimating another 3-4 weeks before we're going to be ready.
From Alta Mesa Vineyard down in Cuyama Valley (east about an hour from Santa Maria), our Mourvedre grapes are in the 20brix level. David Corey our rock star vineyard manager is estimating harvest to be either last week in September or 1st week in October. maybe just before Fish C's birthday!
I'll keep you posted as we get updates from our nervous & excited vineyard owners and managers.
We share the nerves and excitement. It never ceases to amaze us how this time before harvest is the LULL BEFORE THE STORM!
Q's, please email me at bettina@sansakana.com
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